Home News Facts About Crypto Mining and Transactions Easily Explained 2019 (INFOGRAPHIC)

Facts About Crypto Mining and Transactions Easily Explained 2019 (INFOGRAPHIC)

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Facts About Crypto Mining and Transactions Easily Explained 2019 (INFOGRAPHIC)

Have you ever wanted to learn more about how crypto coins are made and passed around? Maybe your job entails getting to know this topic better; or you’re looking to start dealing in cryptocurrency; or perhaps you’re just curious about the subject and would like to know more.

If the answer to these questions is “yes,” then have you tried doing so? To be sure, cryptocurrency is hardly a niche topic anymore, given how much money is involved in the technology. Thus, information about pretty much every aspect of cryptos is more than likely just a few clicks away. So getting educated on mining or transactions should be a piece of cake, right?

Well, yes and no.

While there’s plenty to be found online about both mining and transactions, a lot of what you’ll come across isn’t exactly approachable by the general populace. While that may not present much of a problem for a good percent of people into the subject, many are put off when trying to inform themselves, only to hit a brick wall, so to speak.

Of course, there are articles and the like that go through mining and transactions step by step, giving you a comprehensive overview. However, these tend to be quite long, seeing that they have so much to cover and explain.

This kind of format is well and good, but some folks simply don’t have the time to wade through walls of text to get a clearer picture of what’s being discussed.


It becomes clear, then, that there needs to exist a source of information from which one can easily extract the exact definitions, numbers, or stats they’re looking for, without it being too complex to understand or too large to bother reading it.

And this awesome infographic created by Bitcoinfy is exactly that.

This graph tells you exactly what you need to know, without a ton of text to throw your time down the drain. On top of that, every piece of knowledge is presented in a simple to understand way, so that you can understand the point of each line.

The visual design helps, too. It uses colors that are easy on the eyes, and its crisp clear imagery doesn’t overstimulate your eyes. The facts are the star of this show, and the visuals do a great job complimenting them.

You probably won’t find a faster and better way to learn about crypto mining and transactions than this, so make sure you take advantage of that.


source: https://bitcoinfy.net/

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1 comment

Barbora May 26, 2020 - 1:27 pm

I love you.


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